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The Clymene is a time-series data and logs collection platform for distributed systems inspired by Prometheus and Jaeger. Time-series data and logs from various environments can be collected and stored in different types of databases. It can be configured in a variety of architectures. Choose the storage that users can use easily and build a monitoring system with dashboards that users can use easily.

  • Time-series data collection platform: Clymene uses fewer resources than Prometheus to collect metrics. In addition, various architectures can be constructed using ingester and gateway components.
  • heterogeneous database support: Time series data created with Prometheus exporter can be stored in various databases such as ElasticSearch, Prometheus, Cortex, kdb++, OpenTSDB, InfluxDB and TDengine
  • logs data collection platform: The promtail of the loki project was customized and developed in a form suitable for a distributed environment. In addition to loki, you can store logs data in elasticsearch as well.


Overview introduces why Clymene should be used, architecture, and components.


Getting Started

Introducing how to use Clymene’s component.

Service Discovery

It guides you on how to set up Clymene service discovery.

Database Options

Introduce options for the database available.


Introducing a tutorial that allows you to use Clymene in k8s and Docker-compose.

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the docs

Last modified April 30, 2022: #50 | release v2.1.0 (e71e2db)