ElasticSearch Options
ElasticSearch Options
--es-archive.bulk.actions int The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 1000)
--es-archive.bulk.flush-interval duration A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled. (default 200ms)
--es-archive.bulk.size int The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 5000000)
--es-archive.bulk.workers int The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch (default 1)
--es-archive.enabled Enable extra storage
--es-archive.log-level string The Elasticsearch client log-level. Valid levels: [debug, info, error] (default "error")
--es-archive.max-doc-count int The maximum document count to return from an Elasticsearch query. This will also apply to aggregations. (default 10000)
--es-archive.password string The password required by Elasticsearch
--es-archive.remote-read-clusters string Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch remote cluster names for cross-cluster querying.See Elasticsearch remote clusters and cross-cluster query api.
--es-archive.server-urls string The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200 (default "")
--es-archive.sniffer The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
--es-archive.sniffer-tls-enabled Option to enable TLS when sniffing an Elasticsearch Cluster ; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disabled by default
--es-archive.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s)
--es-archive.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore)
--es-archive.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s)
--es-archive.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s)
--es-archive.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s)
--es-archive.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s)
--es-archive.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
--es-archive.token-file string Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
--es-archive.username string The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
--es-archive.version uint The major Elasticsearch version. If not specified, the value will be auto-detected from Elasticsearch.
--es.bulk.actions int The number of requests that can be enqueued before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 1000)
--es.bulk.flush-interval duration A time.Duration after which bulk requests are committed, regardless of other thresholds. Set to zero to disable. By default, this is disabled. (default 200ms)
--es.bulk.size int The number of bytes that the bulk requests can take up before the bulk processor decides to commit (default 5000000)
--es.bulk.workers int The number of workers that are able to receive bulk requests and eventually commit them to Elasticsearch (default 1)
--es.log-level string The Elasticsearch client log-level. Valid levels: [debug, info, error] (default "error")
--es.max-doc-count int The maximum document count to return from an Elasticsearch query. This will also apply to aggregations. (default 10000)
--es.password string The password required by Elasticsearch
--es.remote-read-clusters string Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch remote cluster names for cross-cluster querying.See Elasticsearch remote clusters and cross-cluster query api.
--es.server-urls string The comma-separated list of Elasticsearch servers, must be full url i.e. http://localhost:9200 (default "")
--es.sniffer The sniffer config for Elasticsearch; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disable if not required
--es.sniffer-tls-enabled Option to enable TLS when sniffing an Elasticsearch Cluster ; client uses sniffing process to find all nodes automatically, disabled by default
--es.timeout duration Timeout used for queries. A Timeout of zero means no timeout (default 0s)
--es.tls.ca string Path to a TLS CA (Certification Authority) file used to verify the remote server(s) (by default will use the system truststore)
--es.tls.cert string Path to a TLS Certificate file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s)
--es.tls.enabled Enable TLS when talking to the remote server(s)
--es.tls.key string Path to a TLS Private Key file, used to identify this process to the remote server(s)
--es.tls.server-name string Override the TLS server name we expect in the certificate of the remote server(s)
--es.tls.skip-host-verify (insecure) Skip server's certificate chain and host name verification
--es.token-file string Path to a file containing bearer token. This flag also loads CA if it is specified.
--es.username string The username required by Elasticsearch. The basic authentication also loads CA if it is specified.
--es.version uint The major Elasticsearch version. If not specified, the value will be auto-detected from Elasticsearch.
--es.clymene-agent.index.name string Set the index name to save the metrics collected by clymene-agent. (default "clymene-metrics")
--es.clymene-promtail.index.name string Set the index name to save the log collected by clymene-promtail. (default "clymene-logs")
Last modified February 20, 2022: #45 | Release v2.0.0 (8f4fff7)