OpenTSDB Options

OpenTSDB Options

--opentsdb.dry-run                       Don't actually send anything to the TSD, just print the datapoints. string                   Hostname to use to connect to the TSD. (default "localhost")
--opentsdb.hosts string                  List of host:port to connect to tsd's (comma separated)
--opentsdb.http                          Send the data via the http interface (default 'false')
--opentsdb.http-api-path string          URL path to use for HTTP requests to TSD. (default "api/put")
--opentsdb.http-password string          Password to use for HTTP Basic Auth when sending the data via HTTP
--opentsdb.http-username string          Username to use for HTTP Basic Auth when sending the data via HTTP
--opentsdb.max-chunk int                 The maximum request body size to support for incoming HTTP requests when chunking is enabled (default 512)
--opentsdb.max-tags int                  The maximum number of tags to send to our TSD Instances (default 8)
--opentsdb.port int                      Port to connect to the TSD instance on (default 4242)
--opentsdb.ssl                           Enable SSL - used in conjunction with http (default 'false')
--opentsdb.timeout duration              Time out when doing http insert(sec, default 10 sec) (default 10s)